Category: Health & Wellness

Iron Deficiency Anemia During Pregnancy – Information Here

How may iron-deficiency anaemia be avoided and treated during pregnancy? Iron is typically included in the ingredient list of prenatal vitamins. Pregnant women can benefit from taking an iron-fortified prenatal vitamin to help prevent and treat iron-deficiency anaemia. How is iron-deficiency anaemia during pregnancy treated? However, the American Pregnancy Association reports that between 15% and…

Failure To Diagnose Heart Attack – Phoenix Malpractice Lawyer

PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE: FAILURE TO DIAGNOSE A HEART ATTACK Heart Attack Malpractice: Medical Malpractice is frequently the cause of undiagnosed heart attacks. Although the symptoms of a heart attack are well-known, including chest discomfort, pain in the left shoulder and jaw, neck pain and shortness of breath, lightheadedness, cold sweats, and nausea… Undiagnosed…
